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India-China Direct Flights Soon? Foreign Ministers Discuss Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

India and China discussed resuming the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, starting direct flights, and improving cooperation on trans-border rivers and media exchanges. External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar met Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on November 18 during the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, marking a step forward in strengthening bilateral ties and fostering connectivity.


New Delhi: In a significant step towards strengthening bilateral ties, India and China explored measures to enhance cooperation during a meeting between External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on November 18. The talks, held on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, focused on resuming the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra pilgrimage, initiating direct flights, sharing data on trans-border rivers, and fostering media exchanges, according to the Ministry of External Affairs.
"Among the steps discussed were the resumption of the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra pilgrimage, data sharing on trans-border rivers, direct flights between India and China and media exchanges," the Ministry of External Affairs said in a press release today.
कैलाश-मानसरोवर यात्रा, दोनों देशों के बीच सीधी फ्लाइटचीन के रिश्तों पर आई सुपर गुड न्यूज

India-China Relations: भारत और चीन के बीच जारी रिश्तों को लेकर गुड न्यूज आई है. रियो डी जेनेरियो में जी-20 शिखर सम्मेलन के दौरान भारतीय विदेश मंत्री और चीनी विदेश मंत्री के बीच एक अहम मीटिंग हुई. इस मीटिंग के बाद कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं कि जल्द दोनों देश आगे की रणनीतियों पर काम करेंगे. 

भारत और चीन के बीच संबंधों में आई नरमी के बीच दोनों देशों ने करीब पांच साल के अंतराल के बाद कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रा को फिर से शुरू करने पर चर्चा की है. विदेश मंत्री एस जयशंकर ने ब्राजील के रियो डी जेनेरियो में जी-20 शिखर सम्मेलन के दौरान अपने चीनी समकक्ष वांग यी से मुलाकात की, जहां उन्होंने वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा (एलएसी) पर सैनिकों की वापसी की प्रक्रिया पूरी होने के बाद भारत-चीन संबंधों में अगले कदमों पर चर्चा की. सोशल मीडिया पर प्लेटफॉर्म एक्स पर पहले की एक पोस्ट में जयशंकर ने कहा था कि दोनों नेताओं ने 'भारत-चीन सीमा क्षेत्रों में हाल ही में सैनिकों की वापसी में हुई प्रगति पर गौर किया और हमारे दोतरफा संबंधों में अगले कदमों पर विचारों का आदान-प्रदान किया. वैश्विक स्थिति पर भी चर्चा की.'

जल्द सुधरेंगे रिश्ते:

इसके अलावा विदेश मंत्रालय मुताबिक, दोनों मंत्रियों ने महसूस किया कि यह जरूरी है कि ध्यान संबंधों को स्थिर करने, आपसी मतभेदों को दूर करने और अगले कदम उठाने पर केंद्रित होना चाहिए. पूर्वी लद्दाख में LAC पर देपसांग और डेमचोक में फौजियों की वापसी का अमल पूरा होने के बाद दोनों पक्षों के बीच यह पहली उच्च स्तरीय मीटिंग थी. विदेश मंत्रालय ने कहा कि दोनों मंत्रियों ने माना कि सरहदी इलाकों में फौजियों की वापसी से शांति और सौहार्द बनाए रखने में मदद मिली है. मंत्रालय ने कहा,'चर्चा भारत-चीन संबंधों में अगले कदमों पर केंद्रित थी. इस बात पर सहमति बनी कि विशेष प्रतिनिधियों और विदेश सचिव-उपमंत्री तंत्र की बैठक जल्द ही होगी.' मंत्रालय ने कहा,'जिन कदमों पर चर्चा की गई उनमें कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रा को फिर से शुरू करना, सरहद पार की नदियों पर आंकड़े साझा करना, भारत और चीन के बीच सीधी उड़ानें और मीडियाकर्मियों की परस्पर आवाजाही शामिल थे.'

'चीन-भारत में मतभेद और समानताएं दोनों हैं'

कोरोना महामारी के चलते भारत और चीन के बीच सीधी उड़ानें और कैलाश मानसरोवर तीर्थयात्रा बंद कर दी गयी थी. विदेश मंत्रालय के मुताबिक बैठक में जयशंकर ने वांग को बताया कि भारत प्रभुत्व स्थापित करने के लिए एकतरफा नजरिये के खिलाफ है और वह अपने संबंधों को अन्य देशों के चश्मे से नहीं देखता है. मंत्रालय ने कहा,'वैश्विक स्थिति और अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्दों पर विदेश मंत्री ने कहा कि भारत और चीन के बीच मतभेद और समानताएं दोनों हैं. हमने ब्रिक्स और एससीओ ढांचे में रचनात्मक रूप से काम किया है.'बयान में कहा गया कि विदेश मंत्री वांग यी ने जयशंकर के साथ सहमति जताते हुए कहा कि भारत-चीन संबंधों का दुनिया की राजनीति में खास महत्व है.

साढ़े 4 साल बाद खत्म हुआ टकराव

यह माना जाता है कि दोनों पक्ष विभिन्न वार्ता तंत्रों को पुनर्जीवित करने की प्रक्रिया में हैं, जिसमें सीमा विषय पर विशेष प्रतिनिधि वार्ता भी शामिल है, जैसा 23 अक्टूबर को रूसी शहर कजान में प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी और चीनी राष्ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग के बीच हुई मीटिंग में तय किया गया था. डेमचोक और देपसांग में पीछे हटने के लिए दोनों पक्षों के बीच 21 अक्टूबर को सहमति बनने के कुछ दिनों बाद, भारतीय और चीनी सेनाओं ने यह प्रक्रिया पूरी कर ली, जिससे दोनों टकराव वाली जगहों पर चार साल से ज्यादा समय से चल रहा गतिरोध लगभग समाप्त हो गया. दोनों पक्षों ने लगभग साढ़े चार वर्षों के बाद इन इलाकों में गश्त गतिविधियां फिर से शुरू कर दी हैं. 

मोदी-जिनपिंग की मीटिंग का हुआ जिक्र:

वार्ता में अपने शुरुआती भाषण में जयशंकर ने 23 अक्टूबर को ब्रिक्स शिखर सम्मेलन के दौरान मोदी और शी के बीच हुई बैठक का जिक्र किया. उन्होंने कहा,'कजान में हमारे नेता 21 अक्टूबर की सहमति को ध्यान में रखते हुए हमारे रिश्तों में अगले कदम उठाने पर आम सहमति पर पहुंचे. मुझे यह जानकर खुशी हुई कि जमीनी स्तर पर उस सहमति का देखने को मिला है. इसके अलावा विदेश मंत्री ने  यह भी कहा,'हमारे नेताओं ने निर्देश दिया है कि विदेश मंत्रियों और विशेष प्रतिनिधियों को जल्द से जल्द मिलना चाहिए. इस दिशा में कुछ प्रगति हुई है, कुछ चर्चाएं हुई हैं.'

=============================================================================================Established in 1986 in Darya-Ganj, Delhi the company Nepal Tourism Package (NTP), had had the brains and soul of most revered persona the Tourism Wizard Shri Amitabh Sharma, Amitabh’s ideas vision mooted the NTP, Ms Neelam Sharma has been the supreme custodian of the company from 1986 until the Year 2000 until it transformed to becoming a Public Ltd Company, NTP has earned national and international accolades besides several trade recognitions got huge recognitions from the Ministry of Tourism Government of Nepal as PR statured company for Tourism Nepal, NTP had accolades commendations referrals which has boosted the Nepal’s Tourism and the Nepal’s carrier the Royal Nepal Airlines (Now Nepal Air) besides it has promoted best of domestic private airlines in Nepal.

NTP has collaborated with the best of companies in Nepal the Yeti Travels, the Everest Express, Malla Travels for the ground handling.

NTP have had the successive highest achiever’s awards from select best Five Star to Non Star Hotels, Motels, Trekkers Tea Houses, Country-side infrastructures stretching over 3 decades for its class and service, the trust it has earned is yet unbeatable.

In the Year 2000, Company NTP was incorporated as a Limited Company in the name & style of NTP Tourism Affairs Ltd. With the Custodial commands of Ms Neelam Sharma, Ms Pooja Mehra and Mr Hemant K Sharma since moved its Central Command at DCM Building Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi, the one of the best decorated office Titled then as “ Theatre of Tourism” Corporate incarnation with Registration number- 55-108208,  Today NTP is one of the leading travel brands that offers tours in India, Kailash and Nepal with the Corporate Registered Office in Delhi (India) and Regional Support Teams in Various parts of India & Foreign Locations Like Dubai, Nepal, America, Malaysia. With more than three decades of experience, NTP has made a platform of travel that not only shows the integrity and passion they have but has built a solid reputation among travel enthusiasts. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, this famous travel brand moves with a mission to offer unforgettable and personalized travel experiences for all.

The company with its professionally managed travel engine specializes mainly in organizing Adventure, Cultural, Religious, hill station & wildlife tours in India through a sprawling network. It offers 24 X 7 hours services that include travel planning, itinerary design, hotel bookings, ticket reservations and transport facilities. It also provides holiday packages, customized as per client’s need and budget.

Mission and Vision

Mission : The Mission is to provide high-quality, customized travel experiences that suit the needs of each traveller, ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of the clients

Vision : To become the most sought-after and trusted travel brand in India, known for its state-of-the-art service, finely crafted itineraries, and deep-rooted dedication to sustainable tourism.

Services Offered

NTP offers various services that cater to the needs of every travel enthusiast out there. The services include:

Tailored Tour Packages : They are the experts in offering tailored tour packages that suit everyone’s desire.

Pilgrimage Tours : NTP India Tourism understands the need for spirituality, and for that the tours include the holy cities of India and Nepal.

Cultural Tours : India and Nepal, both countries, are filled with rich cultures. For that, they offer detailed cultural tours.

Adventure Tours : Apart from culture and spirituality, for lovers of adventures, the company offers wildlife safaris, trekking tours, and more.

Transportation and Accommodation : A top-tier arrangement of accommodation and transportation, so every traveler gets a comprehensive experience of the tour

Guided Tours : At NTP India Tourism, you can expect more than just guided tours and accommodations - their expert travel guides are there to create priceless tour memories.

Our Target Market

NTP India Tourism offers tourism services to a diverse clientele, which comprises:

Families : The company offers comprehensive family packages that include all ages of people.

Solo travellers : Want to travel solo, NTP India Tourism is there to offer the safest and most exciting solo tours in India and Nepal.

Corporate Travelers : Any type of company tour will be a big hit with corporate retreats, business travel, and team-building activities.

Pilgrimage Tours of India and Nepal & Panch Kailash & Ramayana Tours.

Luxury Trains of India with all VIP Services and Etiquettes

Senior Citizens : Elderly travelers will feel at ease, as the company ensures the most accessible and comfortable tour packages. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

What sets NTP Tourism Affairs apart from others when it comes to tourism is the personalized services, deep-rooted commitment, wide range of wondrous tour packages, and extensive knowledge of each destination. The company takes pride in creating the most amazing and detailed itineraries that suit the needs of each traveller. Furthermore, NTP  Tourism Affairs offers access to off-beat destinations in India and Nepal, Tibet and Srilanka, along with exclusive deals, that ensure unique travel memories.

Business Model

NTP Tourism Affairs functions on a customer centric model, delivering the services in a high-quality manner. The company mainly generates revenue from a wide range of tour packages, accommodation arrangements, and comfortable transportation services. The company maintains a solid relationship with various service providers and local vendors, doing that NTP India Tourism ensures excellent services and standard prices for its diverse group of clients.

Key Achievements and Milestones

NTP India Tourism is an inbound India tour brand that is registered as an “Experienced Tour Operator” by the Ministry of Tourism, India. For over three decades, the company has achieved many milestones, such as:

Expansion : Developing from a small travel agency to a leading tour organizer in India and Nepal.

Awards and Recognitions : Recognized as the “Experienced Tour Operator” by the Ministry of Tourism, India, and numerous other awards for excellent customer service.

Client Base : Offering top-notch services to a diverse clientele from around the globe.

Innovative Tours : Introducing the most innovative and excellent tour packages that suit the needs of all travelers.

Now you can have a comfortable and hassle free holiday in India where you leave all the worries to us. Right from the arrival at the airport to personalized assistance of departure, we take care of all the needs of the travellers. Our guests just sit back and enjoy their holidays with all the value for the money they have spent.


NTP Tourism Affairs Ltd. is one of the leading tour operators and travel agents. The company also works in association with prime national agencies in the tourism industry such as of the credibility of our services in the business. Our Certifications and Proof: These memberships are a proof

Enclosure certificate







Department of Tourism : It is the axis of tourism in India that formulates the rules and regulations and directs various central and state travel agencies and private sector tour operators to develop and promote tourism in our country We are approved as “Experienced Tour Operator”

Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) - A trade body of inbound Indian Tour Operators who work hard for offering excellent services to the visitors. - Find us on IATO Official Website

National Integrated Database of Hospitality Industry (NIDHI) - NIDHI is an initiative towards Aatmanirbhar Bharat to use technology to empower businesses. NIDHI aspires to become a gateway to opportunities for the Hospitality & Tourism Industry. Stakeholders like Accommodation Units, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Independent Restaurants etc. will be able to register their entities on this platform and avail electronic delivery of various services and benefits through a Unique NIDHI ID (NID) allocated to them.

UDYAM is an endorsement by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and are owned by the respective organizations which may be contacted for any further information or suggestion. Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME) envision a vibrant MSME sector by promoting growth and development of the MSME Sector, including Khadi, Village and Coir Industries, in cooperation with concerned Ministries/Departments, State Governments and other Stakeholders, through providing support to existing enterprises and encouraging creation of new enterprises.

Our Clients

We are here to render the best services to our clients who are part of our goal. Our clients, over the years, multiplied from small enterprises to Fortune 500 companies that include both the private and public sector undertakings and thus leading us to spread all over the nation.

Industries, Temples, Math, Groups and Associations, Schools and Colleges

Client Testimonials

NTP India Tourism has received amazing reviews from its clients, focusing on its dedication to customer satisfaction and unique travel arrangements. Here are some testimonials of clients:

“We are amazed by the tour operator’s knowledge of Char Dham Yatra. Every place shines with its uniqueness, and our expert guide helped us through the wonderful journey by foot, which was also possible because of the good weather.”- Anonymous.

“Our tour to Everest Base camp was possible because of the detailed itinerary and the extensive support of the tour guide throughout the trip. Many thanks to the NTP India team for making the tour comfortable, and relaxed.”- Lipika Bhandari.


Travellers’ feedbacks are our assets. It helps us to gain our confidence level and improve our services to meet every client needs. Click to browse here for some of the feedbacks received from our clients: (Testimonials Link)

Contact Information

Address: NTP Tourism Affairs Limited
S-11, 2nd Floor Star City, Mayur Place,
New Delhi, East Delhi, Delhi, India -110091

Sales & Promotions :

Corporate office:


Phone: +91-9810098099 / 0091-9911398099
